
Suzon Demers, born in Ottawa in 1946 and back in the region since 1994, is initiated to drawing and painting during her four years at the Couvent de la rue Rideau. In Sudbury, she then studies industrial design at Sheridan College and joins the Laurentian University theatre company. After completing her Masters at the Centre d’études théâtrales in Louvain (Belgium), she is an actress in Toronto for 25 years. During her solo exhibition in 2004 at la Galerie Montcalm, (Gatineau), an art book is launched, Des planches à la palette (Éditions Prise de Parole). It contains forty works inspired from franco-franco-ontarian theatre, accompanied by poems from Joël Beddows. This art book now is part of the collective memory of Franco-Ontarians. At the National Arts Centre in 2005, during the Zones théâtrales festival, she exhibited a series of ten works Zones humaines inspired by franco-canadian theatrical plays. In 2013 at the Galerie St. Laurent-Hill in Ottawa during her solo exposition the book Sous la jupe was launched (published by Éditions David and finalist for the Trillium Awards and the Prix littéraire Le Droit). Danièle Vallée amused herself in writing 14 short stories based on the female characters in the two series of works Entre Deux and Estrogène, inspired from plays and exhibited in 2009 and 2011 at the Galerie Roger St-Denis of La Nouvelle Scène. This book was then adapted for a live show at the National Arts Centre (La cérémonie, Winner of the Hibou d’or Prize of the Contes nomades series) with some of the works serving as backdrop on stage. In 2020 Danièle Vallée has repeated the approach with a second book, Sept nuits dans la vie de Chérie (Éditions David), inspired by the works in the serie La costumière costumée exposed at the Galerie Eugène Racette, in Orleans (MIFO).